Thursday, 28 July 2016

How come Pokemon Go hasn't disappeared even though the hype is slowly declining

Yes, unless you suddenly disappeared from the world, the game phenomenon from Niantic -Pokemon Go is invading the world with all its hypes. The game is ultimately a dream comes true for all of the people watching Ash's adventure when they were young. Little Ash gets his first pokemon - a cute little Pikachu and travels around the regions trying to be a Pokemon Master. Fast forward to summer 2016, you and your friends can enjoy our own adventure by playing Pokemon Go.
However after 2 weeks of slowly releasing around the world, the game has some profound issues that players have encountered. The server crashed regularly has been a common issue last week. Well, the server issue has been an ongoing problem that keep the players from going back to the game. 
Mass amounts of complaints though have been redirected throughout the internet the last two weeks from nostalgic players, realizing their dream might have been shattered before it even starts. However, they can rest assured knowing the lack of server stability was just a result of mass releasing, in which Niantic is trying to fix. Some people even make an app online to check the stability level of the game. This week however, the game has been more stabilized than ever, creating optimistic around the players again. According to some people, the game might seem boring with the lack of features happening in the game beside walking around catching pokemon, hatching eggs, or challenging gyms. However, Niantic has promised the current game is only 10% of what they will do so new features like trades will be available soon. Be aware though "soon" might not close. Some people might think this is a piece of business in which will close soon enough after gaining enough revenue.
However, the company is planning to update with more features and pokemon to come, further put this theory into myth. However though, players can spend real money to get more advantages in game. This is a flaw of free games since players can win even though they are not skillful.
These issues have caused the hype to wane away, however though, the game has not disappeared yet. It is a promising piece of application, in which can develop even better. Ultimately, it is the dream most of us have while watching the show when we were young. Even with errors like that, we won't simply delete the game, in which our dream is comprised within. Once simply cannot delete dreams, and we certainly will not. Even with little errors people are complaining about, the game is still young. With a little bit more works, the game will be a huge success. For some people, the dream has already been captured. For other people, the dream has just started. For some people however, the dream is still awaiting, download the game, and let your own adventure begin...

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